Stand up to shyness

In 2018 I had the pleasure to meet and talk about shyness with Rhod Gilbert, the stand-up comedian and television personality. Our interview, which took place in Cardiff University over several hours, was recorded for the BBC television programme, Stand up to Shyness. Despite regularly performing solo in front of large audiences, Rhod describes himself as shy. The programme considered exploration of his shyness along with his interviews with members of the public about their shyness. Also, he encouraged three young shy people to prepare for and deliver a stand-up session to an audience in a comedy club in Cardiff: something they had never done or dreamed that they could ever do! I attended the session, hosted by Rhod, where the three performed in front of  a large live audience that included family and friends. The programme also included acts by professional comedians. All three did incredibly well and it was quite a moving experience. I also attended a preview of the television programme in a club in central Cardiff along with Rhod, fellow contributors to the programme, the three shy performers and makers of the programme.

Clips from the programme are still available (November 2022) on the BBC web site. My account of taking part can be found in the Psychologist magazine, March 2018.